
We can use Water
- to improve our digestion.
- to keep our bowels regularly active.
- to regulate our urinary flow.
- to cleanse the skin and keep the pores open for free perspiration.
- to induce a natural and healthy sleep.
- to quicken the circulation of blood.
- to aid nature in eliminating impurities, toxins, etc. from the body.

Advantages of Water treatment
- Hydropathic treatment of human ailments is very simple and natural.
- the mode of treatment is not secret nor difficult.
- it is entirely harmless end it produces no bad after effects.
- it is non-poisonous and requires no aid of poisonous drugs(medicines).
- it is the cheapest and can be available everywhere.
- it improve digestion and removes constipation which is the source of so many disease.
- it is painless yet it remove pain very speedily.
- it induces natural refreshing sleep and invigorates the mind and body.
- it cures every known disease by removing its cause more rapidly than the drug system.
- it cure radically.

The effects of water on the body when taken internally:

1.  Ice cold water contracts the capillaries of the stomach, diminishes the normal supply of blood, and decreases secretions and absorptions. It also reduces the temperature and makes it sometimes subnormal.
We frequently see allopathic doctors apply the ice bag to the head of fever patients and make them drink milk or soda with ice; and the result is that the temperature as a rule becomes subnormal for which the same doctor prescribes medicines which most of the time cause exhaustion when its intoxication is past.

2. Cold water taken early in the morning in empty stomach stimulates the stomach, heart liver and gastro intestinal tract. It also helps to regulate urine, stools and perspiration and thus to eliminate the toxins. It is useful in dyspepsia, biliousness, chronic atonic constipation, obesity, rheumatism, fevers, etc. It imparts refreshed feelings and serves as a tonic.
Water drinking as therapeutic measure is of very ancient origin. Hippocrates prescribed it as a remedy in fevers; the drinking of cold water has been practised among the Egyptians from the most ancient times in the treatment of fevers. Currie also recommended water drinking in the treatment of fever. He says –“while the different modes of applying water to the surface are employed it ought also to be poured into the stomach in large quantities when the patient`s heat will permit it; and the presence of nausea and vomiting is no objection to this practice.”

3. Tepid water is emetic and should be used in all cases of poisoning or whenever a vomiting is felt necessary.

4.  Warm water is useful in kidney diseases.

5. Hot water is useful to those whose chief diet is meat, as it rids the system of the toxins, ptomains, uric acids and other poisonous substances from the system and also in colics, cramps, gastralgia, gastritis, etc. but in all other cases it should be avoided unless recommended by an experienced Hydropathic physician because it debilitates the system while cold water acts as a tonic.

6. Hot water is astringent and a safe pain-killer. It alleviates pain by eliminating the toxins from the body. A teaspoonful of hot water may be taken frequently in flatulence, flatulent colic, bilious troubles, coughs, dysentery, diarrhoea, vomiting, cholera, suppr4ssion of urine, cramps, colic, pains, spasms, etc. chiefly in obstinate coughs and obstinate vominting.

7. Neither very cold nor very hot water should be given at any time to any patient; because both are injurious to the human system.

8. A hot full bath immediately relieves an asthmatic fit; it first excites and then depresses the nervous system. The patient feels at first excitement and then exhaustion.

9. Wet hand rubbing strengthens the heart and chest by quickening the circulation; this mild treatment suits the neurasthenic patients and week persons who are unable for other strong hydropathic measures.

10.  A vapour bath is the best means of ridding the system of its excess of serum and of restoring the tone of the nervous and muscles and every man who wants to keep in the best working form should take one or two every week.

In next article we will talk about Hydropathic External and Internal Baths.


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