Digital Typesetters – Scanning & Laser

Digital Typesetters – Scanning & Laser

Technology makes life better and easier is a true line with true meaning. For example, digital computers and digital typesetters increase the work output in less time. The digital computer, in combination with the high resolution cathode ray tube (CRT) and laser, is revolutionizing the communications industry, because digital computers have no mechanical parts and are entirely composed of electronic components, they set and process type at speeds never thought possible. In addition, the text type from digital typesetters has now been developed to rival the quality of photo-type. Knowledge of digital computer functions is critical to an understanding of digital typesetting. A digital computer is an electronic device that uses electricity to process information. It can perform repetitive logical and arithmetic operations and store the results of those operations in memory. A computer system is composed of hardware software, and firmware. Hardware consists of the physical components of a computer, software is the program data which controls the operation of the hardware and firmware is software in hardware form. The computer component that controls all other parts performs logical operations, and stores information is the central processing unit (CPU). All components that do not belong to the CPU are called peripherals. A typical digital-typesetting system is composed of a CPU and various peripherals that perform functions necessary, to the setting of type. For example, editing and storing text, displaying text on a screen, and printing typeset copy.

There are two classes of digital typesetters:
1. Digital Scanning System, and
2. Digital Laser System.

In digital scanning system, photographic characters are digitally scanned and recorded electronically on a magnetic disk or tape. The characters are translated into a grid of extremely high resolution and are transmitted as a set of instructions to a CRT. Next, the characters are generated onto the CRT by a series of scan lines. The letter forms images are then projected from the CRT onto paper, film or an electrostatic drum. Because the output type is digital, it can be modified automatically to reflect a number of typographic variations. For example, it can be made heavier, lighter, slanted, condensed or expanded at the command of the operator.

Digital laser systems also store characters digitally, but do not employ a CRT to generate characters. A laser beam scans photographic paper as it reads digital information stored in the typesetter. As the paper is scanned, a series of dots forming the characters are exposed to the paper. The information controlling the laser includes the typographic font and spacing, such as hyphenation, justification, kerning, and letter spacing. Because digital typesetting is so fast, it is particularly suited to industries requiring the processing of enormous amounts of information, such as news services and publishing companies. However, smaller offices and type houses are also using digital type because of its efficiency.

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