What Honey Can Do for You?

Everyone knew about Honey as a sweet liquid food, but most of peoples do not know about the remarkable healing properties of Honey, and it`s importance in a healthy life style.

Honey bees are most important species in serving of life on earth. As if the bee disappeared off from the surface of the Earth then men would only have four years of life, left to survive on the Earth.

“No more Bees,
No more Pollination,
No more Plants,
No more Animals,
No more Men.”

From being just a tasty and sweet food, honey has some remarkable healing properties. In Hinduism, Honey (also called ‘Madhu’) is one of the five elixirs of immortality – “Panchamrita”. In temples honey is poured over the deities in a ritual called “Madhu Abhishekha”. Also, the Islamic, Persian and other ancient traditions promote honey as a nutritious health food.

Honey is containing approximately 150 biologically active ingredients in it, the healing properties of honey have been known to humanity for millennia. From past some decades, the medical communities of the World had started to focus on remarkable substance and anti-bacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties of honey. It is now recommended to patients for the treatment of a wide range of health issues like - coughs, colds, stomach upsets and as a tonic.

Interestingly many Scientists have found a remarkable Synergy between the result of their studies and the traditional usage of honey as a healing substance.
Honey is a powerful immune system booster due to its anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties. It contains as many anti-oxidants as spinach, apples, oranges or strawberries giving it a protective effect on the human body.

Raw honey contains several essential minerals like calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorous, sulphur and potassium, besides vitamins and protein. The vitamins found in honey include vitamins C and B. The amount of vitamins change according to the qualities of the nectar and pollen the honey is made from.

Unprocessed or raw honey has the greatest healing properties, as pollen which contains the most active components of the honey is destroyed during processing and exposure to light. While all types of honey have some medicinal properties, in general, darker shades have more anti-oxidants. These precious properties help to eliminate free radicals in the body that have been linked to several diseases, including cancer. 


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