Benefits & Popular Auto ID Technologies

Benefits & Popular Auto ID Technologies

Automatic Identification and Data Capture or Automatic Identification (Auto ID) is the terms used to describe the direct entry of data into a computer system. These technologies are very useful and beneficial. Some important benefits of Automatic Identification Technologies are:
1. Accuracy: Manual entry through the keyboard has its drawbacks. Studies have revealed that a human operator will commit one undetected error for every three hundred character input. Adopting the bar code technology will improve input by a factor of 10,000 times, i.e. one error for every three million characters entered. With more recent developments in the bar code technology and with the sophisticated error correction techniques, the error rate has reduced still further. This results in saving considerable time and costs of tracking down and rectifying the errors from the manual data entry system.

2. Economics: Because of the speed and reduction of the errors in data entry, users can save time and costs. The ability to obtain more accurate and reliable information is an added advantage for the management in cost cutting. Some Automatic Identification (Auto ID) technologies use essentially disposable data carrier that can be produced at a low cost. For example, the bar code labels can be produced in volumes, reducing the cost for the user. Biometrics technology, relying on identification of natural features, do not even require a special data carrier, the individual`s fingerprint or signature fulfils this task.

3. Speed: There are two aspects of this benefit, one being that compared with manual methods, a bar code or radio frequency tag carrying several hundred or even thousand characters of data can be read in a fraction of a second.
The second benefit is that data can be captured while the object is on the move at high speeds. For example, motorway toll, or objects on a moving conveyer belt.

4. Convenience: These technologies offer convenience and versatility for capturing data in any working environment. They are user friendly in operation and can be easily connected to a wide range of computers and control equipment.

Popular Auto ID Technologies

The most popular technologies are:
1. Bar Code: It is the most popular mainly due to its widespread use in retail point of sale in the supermarkets. A bar code consists of a series of bars and spaces arranged to a set of rules, which determines how data is represented. Different symbologies (the name given to the various types of bar codes) use different bar and space patterns.
Bar code labels can be printed by using a dot matrix printer, inkjet printer, thermal or thermal transfer printer, laser printer or for large volume from a regular printing house.

2. Radio Frequency Identification (RFTD): It is being used in diverse applications, from the identification of farm or other animals to the tracking of motor vehicles during the manufacturing process and at motorway toll collection points. The RFTD consists of two key components, namely the RF tag or signal, which acts as the data carrier, and the reader or antenna, which transfers information to and from the tag. The basic principle of a RF tag operation is that the antenna emits a radio signal. When a tag enters the field of this signal it transmits back to the antenna its own signal modulated with a bit pattern representing the density the tag.

3. Optical Character Recognition (OCR): It is a term used to describe all data entry methods that involve the use of a light source and detector to optical marks, etc. the reading equipment ranges from relatively simple devices able to recognise specially designed, highly stylised typefaces to those which can interpret a wide variety of fonts and point sizes at high speed. The first commercially acceptable OCR reader was installed in 1954 at the Readers Digest Company in New York. It was used to convert sales and order data from type written documents to punched cards that are then input to the subscription department`s computer.

4. Smart Card: They are credit card sized plastic cards which contain a microprocessor that can process data. The card also has memory chips for storage of data. There is more security in the smart card as compared with magnetic stripe cards. Smart cards have two special qualities, are:-
i. The amount of information that can be stored is 1000 times more, and

ii. Smart cards contain an onboard processor to add, delete or re-arrange data, manage a transaction and control access to the data.

5. Voice Recognition: This technology converts human speech into electrical signals and transforms these signals into coding patterns with assigned meanings. Voice recognition devices are useful as automated input devices in applications where an operator`s hands and eyes are occupied, enabling source data capture in real time.

6. Vision Systems: Vision recognition systems are intended to capture a visual image and through a process of feature extradition and analysis, automatically recognise application defined marks, characters, code structure and other features in the image. These systems are typically in process – control, quality assurance, security systems, robotics and computer –aided manufacturing.

7. Biometric ID: It takes the key concept of ADC, that of creating a unique pattern (e.g. bar code symbol, magnetic stripe bit pattern) to identify an item, and makes it personal. Biometric ID systems digitally code and store personal characteristics that can be used to instantaneously, and nearly infallibly, identify individuals. They are typically used to ensure the security of controlled access areas or equipment.
Biometric ID can be as simple as just identifying the person, or as complex as allowing the system to tap into a whole range of priorities, evolution and ‘rules’ regarding that person.

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