What is Sprawling Tent?

A warm good morning to all our readers in these starting days of Winter season in India; however most of our readers who live in abroad already living in cold winter, most of the time. Anyway today, we are here to provide some information about Sprawling tents. Yes, this is very basic topic but we pick it as per moto of our blog which deals with things of LIFESTYLE either special or basic.

So, most of the times in day to day life we hear words like, 'someone create that tent for poor beings', 'tent wale ko bulao', and so on. Tents are basic things and almost unnoticeable for peoples; but almost all kinds of occasions use various kinds of tents to make it successful. 

Literary meaning of word tent, is 'a portable shelter made of cloth, supported by one or more poles and stretched tight by cords or loops attached to pegs driven into the ground. The word tent, have a latin origin, originally it was, "Tendere" which later called "tent" in middle English around 16th Century AD. And Sprawling Tent means a huge tent used for big purpose or project as word sprawling means and indicate for it, "spreading out over a large area in an untidy or irregular way"; like in initial days of COVID-19, many government used various sprawling tents to be used it as an emergency pendemic health facilities, where they treat and isolate Corona patients. For example, delhi government's 10,000 beded COVID-19 hospital under sprawling tent in South Delhi, India.

Sprawling tents are very heavy and solid than other one's, they provide complete shelter facilities and form a temporary structure of house/building. Air, dust, Sun rays, rainwater and other external sources can be prevented with sprawling tents and one can form a desired facility like hospital in case of Corona pendemic as you aware of it.

Today, because of stability and user friendly nature of sprawling tents; they have a wild range of uses from big to small depends on requirements. In high rainfall areas or low temperature areas, people preper to use these kind of tents for wedding as well as other ceremony. Sometimes, people specially demand these tents as beside from strongly structure, they provide a awesome look for ceremonies as show in some pics below.

During natural disasters or man made disasters, when a mass population needs to be serve with basic needs of food, clothes and home. Government have only one option to provide their maximum services to these peoples by the use of these tents, like most of the readers are aware and remember the case of Syria crisis; and helping of government as well as non-governmental organisations (eg. WHO, UN, Red Cross, etc.) by providing tents as shelter for these victims.

Not only in Crisis, but nowadays, people use various kind of tents for their enjoyment purpose also. Some of the cool use of strong sprawling tents are depicted in pictures below. This is really awesome and adventure to live some time in forest or hills under tents!

So, this all about sprawling tents from our side. Some of the most selling tents list are given below:-

Your comments are welcome. Stay tune for upcoming articles.


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